Tag Archives: cubicle

Computer Users and Chiropractic

I did tech support  before becoming a chiropractor.  I know how hard it can be on the body.  We often talk about having a cushy office job.  If any of you have ever tried it doing nothing for a long period of time can be very hard, emotionally, mentally, and physically.  Perhaps even harder than an active job.  Office workers will often sit for 8 hours straight.  This can lead to structural weakness in our bodies.  Especially when we do it with poor posture.  I try to tell people all the time to take everything in moderation.  Too much exercise can be a bad thing, just like too little.

Office workers often experience low back pain caused by normal daily activities because the ligaments in their low back have stretched to accommodate the slouch, and are therefore not able to handle regular activities.  They also often get upper back or neck pain from poorly set up work stations leading to poor posture.  Arm symptoms include tingling, numbness and pain.  Often over diagnosed carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms may develop.  These are some of the more common symptoms related to office workers.

These problems are not without solution.  And the solution is relatively easy, it just takes effort.  Don’t sit in the same position for more than 20 minutes.  Stand up every half hour at least for 5 minutes.  You don’t have to exercise, though that would be great.  Set a timer to remind you.  Stretch before and after your shift, your arms and wrists, your back and legs do a full 10 minutes of something to get you moving again.

Talk to your boss to see if he will allow time for this kind of thing.  I promise if he’s a good boss and you don’t abuse it he’ll be happy to have a healthy and more productive worker.  You may even implement a company wide policy.  Your company may even have reduced rates for workers compensation coverage for doing it.  If your employer is hesitant invite a local chiropractor to come talk about the benefits of a program like this to the company.  Companies loose millions each year because of back pain.  Time off, unproductive time, etc…

If it’s too late, and you already have these symptoms, your chiropractor can help.  It’s all about function, and a chiropractor can help restore that function, so that you can get back to living life.